Event Recap: The Red Bull Floating Skatepark visits STL!

The Red Bull Mississippi Grind visited Downtown St. Louis (via a GIANT 195-foot Barge) this past weekend! We couldn’t wait to watch five amazing pro skaters in action! The demo featured Luis Tolentino, Joey Brezinksi, Ronnie Creager and Kenny Anderson, along with a few small-town skaters.

The Floating Skatepark will make four stops on its 28 day adventure departing in Twin Cities and continuing on to Davenport, St. Louis, and finally New Orleans. Each stop will be jam-packed with extreme skate demos from world-class Red Bull and Converse athletes.

Some of the athletes in action on the barge!


Renowned skate park builders Spohn Ranch & Mark Leski developed the innovative course, which includes a hubba ledge, and a double stair set.

Well known for its skateboarding culture, New Orleans was chosen as the final stop in the Floating Skatepark tour. A three day celebration beginning October 7th and concluding October 9th will be held in downtown New Orleans.

The closing ceremony will be dedicated to Red Bull’s donation of the massive skate structure to the City of New Orleans! So exciting!

To see more photos from the event, check out our Facebook Album here:  http://on.fb.me/qPvDmX!